lots of fresh fruit and vegetables

Travel Health: How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation

We’re on the travel again! Wherever we go and whatever means of transport, certain stomach problems often occur. The food we eat on the road should be adapted to the situation and be healthy and nutritious.

Due to the euphoria and daily activities, we often neglect the daily menu, so various stomach ailments occur, sometimes even a virus. All of this can lead to us spending three days in bed on a 10-day holiday – which is something we don’t want.

How to eat healthy while traveling and spend the trip in the best possible way, without complications, with pure enjoyment – find out in the rest of the text.

How to save your money when you travel

It would be ideal if we had all our meals in a hotel or ate three meals daily in a restaurant, but that is not so affordable.

The next option is to prepare food ourselves in the apartment if we have a kitchen. It is the cheapest and healthiest option, and we recommend it to anyone. The main problem with cooking while traveling is time.

The weather does not allow us to stay in the apartment all day and cook – so why did we travel? In that case, only a lunch you can prepare quickly comes into play.

It will help if you arm yourself with simple recipes when you go on a trip because they can save a lot of time without harming your wallet or your health.

Buy local ingredients and try to make a combination according to your wishes. Let vegetables predominate in your dishes, whether as a side dish or a salad.

What I prefer when I’m traveling is, in addition to the daily tour of the city, a mandatory visit to local restaurants.

I don’t visit those restaurants that are right on the main squares, main meeting places, and the like. A few streets away from those happenings are the hidden gems of each city. You will know them from the locals who there they gather and enjoy traditional dishes, which their grandmothers have been preparing since ancient times.

An integral part of staying in a place is going to the local market, choosing fruits and vegetables, and preparing a light meal in my apartment.


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fast food - hamburger

Fast food – salvation or enemy when traveling?

This is a difficult question to answer. On the one hand, we have medicine, which speaks negatively about fast food. On the other hand, it’s hard to resist all those smells and diverse food on the streets in the country where we’ve arrived.

Tasty, relatively cheap, and fast are the characteristics of fast food. What this streak lacks is health. Fast food is not desirable on our menu, and if we consume it too often, we can have problems with obesity and numerous metabolic and cardiovascular disorders.

However, fast food is good to consume sometimes when traveling due to its convenience and simplicity. A slice of pizza can give us enough fuel to bridge several hours when we want to have a good time or have gone to some action.

Of course, we will dare to try a little bit of everything. What we will certainly do is combine street food with healthy food. We have to strike a balance.

In this article by Elsie Yang, a cardiologist shares heart-healthy snacks that she always has on hand when she travels.

How to avoid stomach problems or stomach virus?

The key here is always to consume only foods and drinks that have been proven safe. In the first place is water. We need to know if tap water is potable because if it is not, then we should pay extra attention to cafes where we drink lemonade, coffee, and other drinks that use water to make them.

Restaurants and cafes should also be chosen carefully for the correctness of the food. A choice should be made based on the cleanliness and tidiness of the premises, the diligence of the staff, as well as the popularity of a particular restaurant.

In addition, it would be a good idea to avoid food from the menu that is not ordered that often because there is a chance that the ingredients have been sitting in the refrigerator for a long time.

Maintain the optimal food temperature.

It is very important to store food at the intended temperature. The properties of each food and possible spoilage should be strictly considered.

We should avoid putting the grocery bag in a “temporary” place after returning from shopping until we do some work. For example, until we take a shower, sit down to drink coffee on the balcony, finish a conversation on the phone, etc. If you put your grocery bag in an awkward place, there’s a good chance you’ll forget about the groceries in the bag.

Take care not to keep food after taking it out of the refrigerator for a long time in the sun or at temperatures higher than 18-19°C, especially food of animal origin.

listed diseases caused by bacteria on the travel

How to eat on the road?

A phenomenon that is often associated with travel is nausea while driving. If you are traveling by car or bus, you may feel nauseous, especially while driving on a winding road. This is where an anti-nausea pill can help.

What would be handy is to consume food on the road that won’t overpower the stomach acid: less sweet food and more salty food, such as sandwiches, snacks, etc.

The first and most important thing is to prepare food for the trip before departure. Various healthy snacks include nuts, dried fruit, and the like. On the Foodie page, in the Travel food section, on our website we have great recipes you can consider when packing and going on a trip.

Classic travel food is always better than experimenting and trying new flavors – leave that for another day.

Think about your gut microflora on your travel, and it will thank you.

When we travel, we must take care of the intestinal microflora. It would be good to take care of the intake of alcohol and energy drinks in large quantities because they can significantly harm the microflora. All strong tastes, excessively hot or sour, can disturb the state of the digestive tract.

Probiotics can prevent and restore intestinal flora to an optimal level. If you are not a fan of capsules from the pharmacy, there are natural probiotics that you can consume, such as yogurt, sour milk, etc.

Remember to stay hydrated, especially in the summer when the atmospheric temperature is significantly higher, which increases the degree of dehydration. Drink sufficient amounts of proper water, preferably bottled, as this is always a safe choice.

We hope that in your next travel you will feel healthy and strong!

Travel is an integral part of life. That usually entails lots of eating, drinking and socializing.

Healthy eating is essential for maintaining a level of fitness. As we travel, our diet is affected at different rates in many new and unknown ways. A few minor adjustments will do us good on our trip and ultimately ensure that we enjoy ourselves without problems.

The key to having a good time on the road is to stay healthy. Learn how to eat healthy while traveling, be it at a local restaurant, fast food restaurant, at the market while buying fresh fruits and vegetables, etc.

In this article, we have presented simple ideas to help you enjoy your trip and return home in perfect health. Given that the body is a much more complicated machine than it seems at first glance, it’s important that you know how to care for it well.

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Extra Tip:

If you are a food lover and want to take a recipe with you that you will like, keep in mind that many locals do not speak any other language than their mother tongue. That’s why it would be good to have a picture book (with a description of the food) on hand.

For example, mutton (image of sheep),  onion (image of onion), herbs (image of herbs), vegetables, fruits, etc.

It will also mean a lot to you if: you have no cell phone coverage, and you are in a place where no one speaks a foreign language; or you’re hungry, you don’t eat mutton, and they have it on the menu, among other dishes.

Learning a few words and sentences in that language is basic, and the rest is much easier later.

One Reply to “Travel Health: How To Eat Healthy While On Vacation”

I always take the opportunity to be among the first to read your new post. I liked the extra tip you gave at the end the most. That’s a good idea. It’s a big problem when you can ask a question but need help understanding the answer. Finger-pointing at a picture on a mobile phone has had success so far. I almost never thought about it that there would be no mobile signal. You never know when it might happen.

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